Spanning Tree Protocol – Understand STP Principles, Redundant Network Links & Broadcast Storms.Spanning Tree Protocol: Bridge ID, Priority, System ID Extension & Root Bridge Election Process.Understanding Supernetting - How Supernets Work.Supernetting In-Depth Analysis - Learn to Identify and Create Supernets.Learn to Recognise the Number of Bits in a Subnet Mask Internet Protocol Classes - Network & Host ID.ICMP - Echo / Echo Reply (Ping) Message.ICMP - Destination Unreachable Message Analysis.Analysing TCP Header Options - Section 6.TCP Window Size, Checksum & Urgent Pointer - Section 5.TCP Sequence & Acknowledgement Numbers - Section 2.TCP Source & Destination Port Number - Section 1.In-Depth TCP Header Analysis - Introduction.Understanding the Need for IPv6 - How IPv6 Overcomes IPv4 Limitations.Understanding VPN IPSec Tunnel Mode and IPSec Transport Mode - What's the Difference?.IPv6 - Analysing the IPv6 Protocol Structure and IPv6 Header.IPv6 Subnetting - How and Why to Subnet IPv6.
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) - CAT 1 to CAT5, 5e, CAT6 & CAT7. CAT5, CAT5e, CAT6 UTP X-Over / Cross-over Cable. Fibre Optic Cables - Single-Mode Multi-Mode - Advantages, Construction and Elements.
Important Direct Cable Connection Notes. USB Direct Cable Connection, USB Versions, Specifications and Speeds. LPT Ports - Parallel Direct Cable Connection - Pinouts - Transfer speeds. Serial Direct Cable Connection, DB9, DB25, COM Ports and Pinouts. Early Communication Technology - Morse Code and Ethernet. 1Gigabit 802.3ab -10GBase (10Gigabit) 802.3an Ethernet - CAT6 - CAT7 UTP. Multicast - Understand How IP Multicast Works. Power over Ethernet - Understanding PoE Technology, PoE Options & Power Requirements. From FastEthernet 100Mbps to Wireless 17.6Tbps!
Need for Speed – The Data Tsunami & Advancements in Networking. Introduction to Content Switching - Application & Virtual Server Load Balancing via Deep Packet Inspection. Measuring Network Performance: Test Network Throughput, Delay-Latency, Jitter, Transfer Speeds, Packet loss & Reliability. Must-Have Features for Demanding Engineers & Administrators The Importance of a Network Analyzer – Packet Sniffer.