Check out what the actress has to say about it. Now misused by trolls after the current scenario.”Įarlier this week, Kangana, during an interview with Times Now, stated that Urmila is a ‘soft porn star’ who is ‘not known for her acting’. Urmila Matondkar's husband Mohsin Akhtar's latest Instagram post has sparked rumours of the couple welcoming a daughter. And it was based on the fact that Urmila was the child actor in ‘Masoom’.
This is an old feature we did in 1995,” Rahul was quoted as saying.įilmmaker Ram Gopal Varma shared the ad on September 11 and wrote, “Amul hoarding after RANGEELA released Anurag Kashyap wrote, “If I am Not mistaken, this came out when ‘Rangeela’ released and not now. “This advertisement has been taken completely out of context by trolls. He told Boom Live that the advertisement was created in 1995 to celebrate the release of ‘Rangeela’ and had nothing to do with Urmila and Kangana’s recent spat. However, Rahul Da Cunha, one of the creators of Amul ads, put an end to the rumours.
Mumbai: Following the spat between Kangana Ranaut and Urmila Matondkar, an Amul ad featuring the ‘Rangeela’ actress with the tagline ‘Not Masoom Anymore’ has gone viral on social media platforms.īelieving that the ad has been created by Amul to take a veiled dig at Urmila for her spat with Kangana, netizens wasted no time in circulating it on social media.